Sifu Leo Low Ming received this message from the father of his long time Karate students, Ben and Sam:
“Hi Leo,
Our family will head overseas for a year of living, schooling and working. We hope to be back thereafter, ready for more of your classes. Many thanks thus far for your patience and skill as teacher to Ben and Sam. I know that they will miss your classes. We hope we can find a way to continue with karate classes over the coming year!
Just over a year later, in February 2016, Leo got this follow up email:
“Hope you are well?
Our family is still in London. This to let you know that Sam still inspired by you teaching, and continues his karate interests – selected for the Funakoshi Style Karate Squad South West 2016/17 season (kata and kumite techniques 8 & 9 year age group). Orange belt preceded by white, red, yellow grading).
And again recently (March 2016), we heard that Sam has won some awards!
“2nd placing in Kumite and 3rd in Kata (age group 8) – he’s really enjoying it!
We congratulate Sam for his achievements in being selected for this Squad in the United Kingdom, and his awards, and wish Sam all the best with his karate journey!
For more information about Karate Classes for Children in Parkview, Johannesburg, contact Leo Low Ming on 0833780468