…and the dancing here.
Last week Thursday (31st May 2016) Sifu Leo Low Ming held a free tai chi session as part of Secret Sunrise, and received a few enquires after it about tai chi. There’s another session of Secret Sunrise coming up that we’ll be having a free class at, to help spread the word about taiji. And we’re inviting all students, past students and friends to attend.
This next one is on a Saturday (instead of their usual sunrise weekday events) and is the launch of their Secret Saturday Editions.
What is Secret Sunrise?
Secret Sunrise Dancing is an early morning dance session timed to the rising sun, from 6:00 to 7:00. It happens every two weeks on a Thursday morning. The secret part is the exact venue is only announced the day before. There is a theme to each dance, and participants rent high quality earphones and are guided through the fun and celebratory dance session. Once in a while Secret Saturday events are going to be hosted too.
Before the dance session, there is a free Yoga session from 5:00 to 5:45, and now Leo will be offering at that same time, a free Tai Chi and Qigong session too.
Next Secret Sunrise Tai Chi SATURDAY 16 APRIL
The next tai chi session at the next Secret Sunrise Johannesburg is slightly different in that it will be on Saturday 16 April at 09:00 in the morning. The Venue is at the Old Railway Station, Carr Street, Newtown, right next to the Nelson Mandela Bridge.
What this means for Class:
We are trying to grow the awareness of taiji in Johannesburg, and so would like to invite you all to join us for Saturday 16th April’s class as a special once off event of a 1 hour 15 minute class in Newtown.
So there will be no class at Parktown, and instead, classes will be combined into ONE CLASS from 09:00 to 10:15 in Newtown. And you are welcome to invite friends to come and join us, and we hope our past students will join in this special event and catch up with us too.
Then if you want to partake in the Dancing Session which starts at 10:30, you will need to buy your tickets before hand online here.
DETAILS for this open and combined SPECIAL CLASS:
Date: Saturday 16 April
Time: 09:00 to 10:15
Venue: Old Railway Station, Carr Street, Newtown, right next to the Nelson Mandela Bridge. (There is parking in front of the old Railway Station)
More Info
More info about this event here.
and if you want to join the dancing you need to buy a ticket here.
More info about Secret Sunrise in general here.
Let us know if you will be joining, so we can make sure you know all the details, and we thank you for supporting us in promoting the practice of tai chi and it’s many benefits!
Contact your Sifu, Leo Low Ming, on 0833780468.
PHOTO CREDITS: Photos courtesy of Secret Sunrise Johannesburg