CHECK our Event Page for the latest Secret Sunrise Tai Chi Date!
We’re excited to announce that we will be holding sessions as part of the movement called “Secret Sunrise” that is growing in South Africa. It started in Cape Town last year, reached Johannesburg earlier this year, last week launched in Durban, and next month it starts in Pretoria!
What is it?
Secret Sunrise Dancing is an early morning dance session to celebrate the rising sun, from 6:00 to 7:00. It happens every two weeks. The secret part is the exact venue is only announced the day before. There is a theme to each dance, and participants are loaned high quality earphones and are guided through the fun and celebratory dance session.
Before the dance session, there is a free Yoga session from 5:00 to 5:45, and now Sifu Leo Low Ming will be offering at that same time, a free Tai Chi and Qigong session too.
Secret Sunrise Tai Chi
We’re launching the first session at the next Secret Sunrise Johannesburg on Thursday morning 31 March at 05:00 to 05:45, and the area is Illovo, Sandton (the exact venue we’ll only know the day before).
And we hope you will join us to help launch this, and have a fun start to your day. After the taiji you can then leave and enjoy the rest of your morning, or stay and join in the dancing session until 7:00 (cost is R125 to hire the earphones).
Date: Thurs 31 March
Time: 05:00 to 05:45
Venue: Illovo, Sandton
No Cost
More Info
More info about this event here, and if you want to join the dancing you need to buy a ticket here.
More info in general about Secret Sunrise Johannesburg is here.
For future dates and for more info contact your Sifu, Leo Low Ming, on 0833780468.
PHOTO CREDITS: Photos courtesy of Secret Sunrise Johannesburg