On our field trip to China in April 2018, we spent some time exploring Beijing.
This is a bustling city, with its 30 million residents and many cars and scooters. A prominent feature was the domino-like apartments that continue for miles across the city.
Another striking aspect was one of the forms of transport – there are bicycles which can be unlocked via an app from your cell phone. You can then hop on the bike, cycle to your destination, and then park the bicycle on the sidewalk, leaving it there ready for the next traveller. It has a run-flat tyre too!
Beijing is also known for their palaces. A stroll around the Forbidden City within

Beijing allowed us to notice the people, and to admire the largest collection in the world of preserved ancient wooden structures. Therefore, it’s a World Heritage Site.
It took 14 years to build, starting in 1406 and its 980 buildings cover 180 acres of land. The Forbidden City was the home of the emperors, and for almost 500 years it also acted as the central place for ceremonies and politics of the Chinese Government

We also enjoyed an outing to the nearby Summer Palace, 15 km northwest of Beijing. It is a World Heritage Site and is one of the best preserved regal gardens in the world.
In 1750 Emperor Qianglong build the Summer Palace, and today it holds over 3000 houses, covering an area of 70 000 square meters. It has a landscape of hills and a man-made lake, with many beautiful walkways, bridges that arch, corridors innately decorated, and palaces and temples at many turns.

Tai Chi in Beijing
Beijing has a lot to offer, and like in most cities in China, taiji and qi gong are popular arts, together with badminton, playing music, singing, and various card and board games. All of these are practiced and played by the locals in the parks of the cities.

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